“Dream Big” Denver Kids Inc print by James Flames

Brian Saunders is holding a campaign to raise funds / awareness for Denver Kids, Inc. Denver Kids, Inc. exists to support Denver Public Schools (DPS) students (grades K-12) who face the personal challenges of higher risk environments, to successfully complete high school and pursue a post-secondary option to become contributing members of the community. Learn more at www.denverkidsinc.org

For a minimum of a $10 donation, you’ll receive a free print by James Flames. It is an 18″ x 24″ Screenprint and will be shipped to you for free (including shipping!). This is a great cause, so try and donate a bit more. They are about halfway to their projected goal.
Help them out and donate HERE.

flames dream big

"Dream Big" by James Flames. 18" x 24" Screenprint. Ed of 75 S/N.