3 new prints by Michael Latimer

Michael Latimer has 3 new prints available and they look great! They were each created using hand-cut stencils, acrylic, and spraypaint. See below for details. On sale now HERE.

latimer kaneda-bike-final

“Kaneda (Bike)” by Michael Latimer. 30″ x 13.5″ Acrylic/spraypaint. Ed of 20 S/N. £60 ($101)

latimer archangel

“Archangel 2″ by Michael Latimer. 11.7″ x 16.5” Acrylic/Spraypaint. Ed of 10 S/N. £40 ($68)

latimer carnage

“Carnage” by Michael Latimer. 15″ x 20″ Acrylic/Spraypaint. Ed of 10 S/N. £50 ($84)