“Jesse Pinkman” by Rhys Cooper (Breaking Bad poster)

The 6th poster for the Breaking Bad poster series is “Jesse Pinkman” by Rhys Cooper. It is an 12″ x 36″ Screenprint, numbered edition of 300 (200 available), and cost $50.
On sale soon at a random time likely today HERE.

cooper jesse pinkman

"Jesse Pinkman" by Rhys Cooper. 12" x 36" Screenprint. Ed of 300 N. $50

***There will be a poster (or more) each week (16 artists total) up until the premier of the new Breaking Bad season. Enjoy! Check breakinggifs.com as the main hub for all of things Breaking Bad posters related.

“Lily of the Valley” & “Portlandia- Sasquatch” by Jon Smith

Jon Smith has 2 new prints available titled, “Lily of the Valley” & “Portlandia- Sasquatch” via Nakatomi. They are each 18″ x 24″ Screenprints, signed/numbered, and are available in limited quantities. On sale now HERE.

smith Lily Of The Valley

"Lily Of The Valley" by Jon Smith. 18" x 24" 5-color Screenprint. Ed of 100 S/N. $40

smith Portlandia- Sasquatch

"Portlandia- Sasquatch" by Jon Smith. 18" x 24" 4-color Screenprint. Ed of 80 S/N. $30

“Hector Salamanca” by Tom Whalen (Breaking Bad poster)

Here is the 2nd installment of an ongoing Breaking Bad poster series. The URL was revealed today with the poster for this week being “Hector Salamanca” by Tom Whalen. There will be a poster (or more) each week (16 artists total) up until the premier of the new Breaking Bad season. Enjoy! Check breakinggifs.com as the main hub for all of things Breaking Bad posters related. On sale now HERE.

whalen hector salamanca

"Hector Salamanca" by Tom Whalen. 18" x 24" Screenprint. Ed of 300 S/N. $50

Breaking Bad Posters!

At breakinggifs.com, what started out as a website having humorous gifs of AMC’s Breaking Bad (the best show on television!), seems to have morphed into a platform for providing some really cool Breaking Bad related art. Not too much is known right now, but follow their website closely (and their Twitter) for hints where each week, the site should take you to a URL where you can acquire some art. Good luck!


UPDATE: And so it begins…
URL Link #1: http://thisaintchemistrythisisart.com/bg/page/

The first poster is “My Name Is Walter Hartwell White” by Daniel Danger!
It should go on sale sometime today, Thursday May 10th at a random time HERE.

"My Name Is Walter Hartwell White" by Daniel Danger. 12" x 36" Screenprint. Ed of 300 S/N. $50

From the website:

As we approach the new season of “Breaking Bad,” to celebrate and honor a show truly kept alive by its fan community, 16 of the top artists and graphic designers have been commissioned to create screenprints depicting some of the series’ most memorable scenes, characters and shocking moments. These screenprints are hand-pulled, each its own individual work of art, in an edition of just 300, with only 200 available to the public through this project. Once the edition is sold out, they will never be printed again. Breaking Bad is hands down one of the the best shows on television, if not the best, and what better way to celebrate the show than with these affordable, and very limited, art pieces for your walls.