Weekend Features: “The Vandenberg: Life Below the Surface”

Art Galleries/Exhibitions

This may be last month’s news to some people, but it’s new to me and I had to make a post out of it. An Austrian photographer, Andreas Franke, recently installed a photo-gallery underwater on the sunken ship The Vandenberg. In 2009, The Vandenberg, a retired navy vessel was sunk and converted to an artificial reef in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.

The following year, Franke visited the vessel and captured some stills, then with some digital work, recreated what life could have been like aboard the ship with real actors. These 12 images, encased between sheets of Plexiglas with a stainless steel frame and sealed with silicone, were magnetically attached to the side of the ship.
On display now, these images no doubt offer a bit of a unique experience for the diver to an already intriguing sunken relic.

“Mystified scenes of the past that play in a fictional space. Dreamworlds, where you can get lost or you can identify with. This makes a new and unexpected atmosphere.”- Andreas Franke

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