411posters welcomes our newest sponsor, Prints on Wood

411posters.com is proud to present our latest sponsor to the site, Prints on Wood! They are a large-format print company that specializes in printing on wood for artists and photographers. Over the years they have worked with many notable artists such as Shepard Fairey and Jeff Soto to produce excellent fine art pieces on wood.

Virtually anything you can think of can be printed onto FSC certified wood be it one-of-a-kind or limited edition art pieces, photos of your favorite memories, or even dozens of unique point-of-purchase (POP) marketing displays, the possibilities on wood are endless. Have a favorite photo? Immortalize it on wood!

Keep an eye on their website as they are planning on releasing some fine art pieces on wood really soon. Do check them out at www.printsonwood.com and let them know we value their sponsorship!

***For every order placed on printsonwood.com they donate one dollar to the Plant a Billion Trees charity by The Nature Conservancy. One dollar = One tree.

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