“Book Art” (City, Sea, Forest) by Trevor & Pradeep

Trevor & Pradeep have created 3 posters by stacking up actual books to resemble different scenes and photographing them. The results are quite nice! Each scene (City, Sea, & Forest) is a 841 x 505mm Offset Lithograph and cost $45 each, or $110 for the full set.
On sale now HERE.

trevor pradeep Book art city

"Book Art" by Trevor & Pradeep. 841 x 505mm Offset Lithograph. $45 (City)

trevor pradeep Book art sea

"Book Art" by Trevor & Pradeep. 841 x 505mm Offset Lithograph. $45 (Sea)

trevor pradeep Book art forest

"Book Art" by Trevor & Pradeep. 841 x 505mm Offset Lithograph. $45 (Forest)