Bucketlistmap Kickstarter project from Awesome Maps

Simon Schuetz of Awesome Maps recently started a Kickstarter project to fund his latest map: Bucketlistmap. They already have done 3 maps already: surftripmap, snowtripmap, and footballmap. Now they are working on their latest map which will contain “all the amazing things that you can see and do on this planet”. The map is drawn by their German cartographer, Lars and has already surpassed their initial goal of $8,000 and is now into the $32,000+ zone. Nuts!

The cool thing about this is that this map is still in the developing stage and they will have backers to be part of the process, suggesting and voting on which destinations make it onto the final bucketlistmap. Pretty cool! There are various levels of pledging from $35, which will get you the 38″ x 22″ signed/numbered map, to $10,000 for an all-expenses paid trip to a wherever a thrown dart on a map lands. My questions is: What if it lands in the middle of the ocean? Pledge now HERE.


“Bucketlistmap” by Lars. 38″ x 22″ map. (Still work in progress)

bucketlistmap 1