Blank Space Gallery Ltd presents: “In the Garage – Celebrating Geek Culture”

Gallery Openings/Exhibitions

blank space gallery in the garage

Inspired by Weezer’s Blue Album staple “In The Garage” which shares a lot of theme’s with The Beach Boy’s “In My Room” this show is about the places we went as children and young adults where we felt safe, from the Mushroom Kingdom, garage bands, to fighting in the Ring against Bald Bull. It harkens back to a simpler time in our lives when the most pressing issue was getting home from school as quickly as possible to save the Princess, or covering three chord punk songs poorly in the basement with friends. It’s the common shared pasts we’ve all had being “geeks.” Finding within our own memories the idea that though we might have been playing nintendo by ourselves, we were hardly alone. Opening Friday, April 20th

***Any remaining prints will go on sale at Friday, April 27th at a random time HERE.