2 new prints by Bjorn Bauer

Bjorn Bauer has 2 new prints for sale titled “Misapprehension” and “In My Dream I Heard You Call My Name”. “Misapprehension” has a regular (Ed of 15, $35) and a blue variant (Ed of 10, $35). These are on sale now HERE.

bauer misapprehension

"Misapprehension" by Bjorn Bauer. 19" x 26" 4-color Screenprint. Ed of 15 S/N. $35

bauer misapprehension blue

"Misapprehension" by Bjorn Bauer. 19" x 26" 4-color Screenprint. Ed of 10 S/N. $35 (Blue variant)

bauer In My Dream I Heard You Call My Name

"In My Dream I Heard You Call My Name" by Bjorn Bauer. 25" x 29" 5-color Screenprint. Ed of 22 S/N. $47