Prints by Zeb Love

Zeb Love has 4 prints available right now as well has having a big sale in his store. All orders will get an automatic 15% off their order for Monday only! See pics below for details.
On sale now HERE.

zeb love fiona apple columbus oh 2012

"Fiona Apple, Columbus OH 2012" by Zeb Love. 18" x 24" Screenprint. Ed of 128 S/N. $20

zeb love L.V. Beethoven

"L.V. Beethoven" by Zeb Love. 18" x 24" Screenprint. AP edition of 20 S/N. $30

zeb love kenny powers

"Kenny Powers" by Zeb Love. 20" x 16" Screenprint. AP edition of 7 S/N. $30

zeb love poker night

"Poker Night" by Zeb Love. 24" x 18" Screenprint. Ed of 35 S/N. $30