“Lantern” & “Emissary” by Martin Wittfooth

Direct from Martin:

Dear friends: many of us woke up a bit more hopeful today, but still many others woke up with no power or shelter in the wake of the hurricane. Not just in the Northeast either: Cuba and Haiti for instance took a much less publicized, but equally devastating hit, and are in need of help. American Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders are working to put peoples’ lives back together, while the Human
e Society dispatches volunteers to rescue animals lost or left behind. All three organizations rely largely on donations for their efforts.
I’m releasing two prints today to help these organizations. How this will work:
Pick which print you’d like, and email me your request. I’ll let you know if it’s still available. You then pick the organization you want to help, make a $100 donation to them, and I will send your print to you, along with my thanks. Once you’ve made your donation, please take a screenshot of the receipt/confirmation (or forward it via email) and drop me a line with your address: info@martinwittfooth.com.
If shipping within the US, I will cover the shipping cost. If international, we can figure it out via Paypal (likely $10-$20 extra).

Links to the donations pages:
Red Cross: http://rdcrss.org/PSpvi2
Doctors Without Borders: http://bit.ly/tUEXcv
Humane Society: http://bit.ly/TxUdiA

The prints:
“Lantern” , Print size: 13″ x 9″, embossed and varnished, signed and numbered edition of 25
“Emissary”, Print size: 12″ x 9″, embossed and varnished, signed and numbered edition of 25

Prints will begin to ship next week.

Thanks for your support and solidarity.

wittfooth lantern emissary